The article presents the results of a field experiment to study the effect of liquid forms of bacterial suspension of the selected strain of Mesorhizobium ciceri ND-64 (BS) and Rhyzohumin (seed treatment before sowing according to the manufacturer's standards) on the content of chlorophylls a, b, their sum, carotenoids and pigments ratio in the leaves of Cicer arietinum L. variety Budzak. The determination of photosynthetic pigments has been carried out in selected samples of leaves from the middle layer of chickpea plants by the method of their extagination with dimethyl sulfoxide, according to Welbourne, using the UIT SFU-0172 spectrophotometer. The number of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves has been found to depend on the phase of individual development of Cicer arietinum and the pre-sowing treatment of seeds with microbial preparations. The peak accumulation of chlorophylls a and b and their sum has been detected in the green bean phase, and carotenoids` peek has been detected during flowering. Both bacterial preparations contributed to the accumulation of chlorophylls in the leaves of chickpea. The complex microbial preparation Rhizogumin has increased the content of chlorophylls a, b, their sum, and carotenoids by 8.1–31.3%, 10.8–26.9%, 11.2–27.9%, and 2.3–9.7% on average in the phases of growth and development. A statistically significant difference in the ratio of chloroplast pigments chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b in the leaves has been determined in the phases of flowering, end of flowering – beginning of bean formation, and beginning of bean ripening under the influence of BS and Rhizogumin. Seed treatment with Rhizogumin has significantly increased the ratio of the sum of chlorophylls (a+b) / carotenoids at the beginning of bean ripening, BS – in the flowering and end of flowering – beginning of bean formation phases.
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