Keywords: system analysis, rural water supply, strategic model, ecological safety, rural settlements


The article examines system analysis as a methodological approach to the development of a strategic model for improving the environmental safety of rural water supply. The relevance of the topic is due to the acute problem of drinking water quality in rural areas, where the water supply system is often based on decentralized sources. Pollution of water resources negatively affects the health of the population, the ecosystem and the general level of socio-economic development, which requires the development of an effective strategy for managing environmental risks. The author's integration strategic model is proposed, which covers five key blocks: organizational-legal, technological, managerial, economic and social. The organizational and legal block provides for the development of local regulations, the creation of working groups, the involvement of the public and increased transparency of management. The technological block is focused on the modernization of water supply infrastructure, the introduction of innovative technologies for monitoring water quality and the use of water-saving technologies. The management unit includes the development of water resources management strategies, training of personnel, attraction of funding and evaluation of the effectiveness of implemented measures. The economic block includes financial planning, investment attraction, promotion of environmentally safe technologies and partnership with the private sector. The social block includes educational campaigns, involvement of local communities and youth in environmental initiatives, formation of social responsibility and monitoring of population needs. The proposed strategic model aims to reduce the negative impact on water resources, preserve the environment and improve the quality of life of rural residents. It is emphasized that the system analysis allows taking into account various factors that affect the ecological safety of water supply, and scientifically based solutions are proposed to increase the efficiency of water resources management. The obtained results are significant for the development of environmental safety management policy in rural settlements and may be useful for making strategic decisions in the field of environmental management.


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How to Cite
Valerko, R. A., Herasymchuk, L. O., Patseva, I. G., Bondarchuk, V. M., & VoinalovychI. М. (2024). SYSTEM ANALYSIS AS A METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A STRATEGIC MODEL FOR IMPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY OF RURAL WATER SUPPLY. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (5), 62-66.