Keywords: city, ecological infrastructure, sustainability, landscaping, greening, nature-oriented solutions


Small cities of the Lviv region were formed in the process of long historical development. The historical, cultural, social and ecological potential of the сity of Kamianka-Buzka was analysed. The functional role of ecological infrastructure in the formation of a sustainable nature-oriented city is determined. Field studies and assessment of the current state of the ecological infrastructure of the city of Kamianka-Buzka were conducted. Positive and negative sides in the functioning of the city’s ecological infrastructure are outlined. A list of optimization measures to improve the living conditions of city residents is proposed. Optimization measures are divided into three categories (simple, medium duration and measures of significant duration and cost). The behavioral component of ecological infrastructure involves the active participation of the public. Unfortunately, the public in the city is not active and not nature-oriented, there are damaged trees in the park, marginal segments of the population, there are damaged playgrounds and on the facades of the houses in a chaotic order of placement of trade signs. It is necessary to work on increasing the level of environmental awareness and culture of residents by creating environmental education centers and circles. Taking into account the current ecological situation and the state of environmental components, the primary tasks of forming the ecological infrastructure of the city and implementing nature protection solutions are to increase the number and density of green spaces, arrangement of green lanes along roads, modernization of sewage treatment facilities and reconstruction of water supply and drainage systems, placement of antinoise screens, creation of safe children's and sports grounds, work on improving mobility and inclusiveness of the city by equipping communal institutions, hospitals and educational institutions with ramps and Braille.


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How to Cite
Ivanov, Y. A., Pylypovych, O. V., & Scherba, V. V. (2023). KAMIANKA-BUZKA ECOLOGICAL INFRASTRUCTURE: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF OPTIMIZATION. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (1), 74-81. https://doi.org/10.32782/NSER/2023-1-11