Keywords: river, surface water, basin, ecological condition, water quality, classification, monitoring, pollution


The paper highlights the geographical prerequisites for the need for environmental monitoring of the Western Bug River and considers the general characteristics of the river basin. It is noted that the Western Bug River is a transboundary river, the basin of which is located on the territory of three states: the Republic of Poland, Ukraine, and the Republic of Belarus. The Ukrainian part of the Western Bug River basin, which is located within the administrative districts of Volyn and Lviv regions, is described. According to physical-geographical zoning, the territory of the Ukrainian part of the river basin belongs to two physicalgeographical zones: forest-steppe and mixed forest zone. It is emphasized that the network of state water quality monitoring of the Western Bug River basin consists of thirteen approved observation points (forms) located on the river and its tributaries, and measurements of water quality indicators at monitoring points are carried out systematically throughout the year.


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How to Cite
Kalko, A. D., & Basiuk, T. O. (2023). GEOGRAPHICAL ASPECTS OF MONITORING OF THE WESTERN BUG RIVER BASIN. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (1), 82-86.