The article substantiates the relevance of toponymic research in modern school geography education. The essence, object-subject field and task of toponymy are revealed. Attention is focused on the functions of geographical names (nominative, informative, cultural-historical, aesthetic). The main classes of toponyms by categories of geographical objects are presented. It is noted that toponyms are unique monuments of history and culture, have a significant cultural and ideological influence on the formation of the worldview of students. The study of toponymic territorial systems reveals culturological, local history aspects of social life, which significantly expands students' understanding of historical, geographical, and political space, and is an important factor in the formation of national identity. Emphasis is placed on the problem of restoring the historical names of geographical objects, overcoming aggressive interference in the toponymy of Ukraine. We consider the involvement of students in toponymic knowledge through toponymic research as a component of the educational process, which directly affects the content and character of geography education, as an effective means of creative development, self-realization of students and improvement of their geographical culture. The analysis of geography curricula (grades 5–9) confirms the introduction of elements of toponymy into the educational process. The courses «Ukraine in the world: nature, population» (8th grade), «Ukraine and the world economy» (9th grade) are important in the formation of toponymic knowledge. The content component makes it possible to use toponymic information and carry out multi-faceted local studies. However, the connection between geography and toponymy is often overlooked. The work of local history circles, studios, author's creative laboratories, workshops opens up opportunities for toponymic research; research work; initiation of projects, their practical implementation. In this connection, the main stages of conducting toponymic research, collection of toponymic information, research methods are outlined. The main directions of educational and methodical support of toponymic studies of geographical content have been determined: development of methodological recommendations on the basics of toponymy, didactic materials, author's programs, creation of manuals, provision of informational and methodical assistance to teachers, use of group and individual forms of work.
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