At the stage of active entering of the Ukrainian education system into the European educational area an urgent need to overcome the threat of lack of spirituality arouse; solving of the problem of socially active individual formation with established hierarchy of values, a system of moral, ethical and environmental standards in attitude to the world, to ourselves and to other people becomes of particular relevance. However, implementation of the social demand today becomes more complicated because of value-semantic unstructured modern Ukrainian society. The purpose of the given scientific research is an attempt to implement the theoretical analysis of the problem of formation of environmental education of secondary schools students in the context of modern methodology of educational science. The methods of content analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and historical and pedagogical literature, theoretical analysis and synthesis of teaching experience of organizing and implementing of research activities on the environment were used for the study, contributing to efficient clarification of the current state of development of the problem in theory and practice. Perception, storage and transmission of social values occur primarily in the educational process of the younger generation, within which environmental education takes the leading place on the background of significant environmental cataclysm at the local, regional and national levels and integral component of which is the formation of environmental education of growing personality. Modernization of the contemporary environmental education content is caused by tendencies of active use of modern educational information technologies. Considering the challenges of scientific and methodological support of important educational impact on students is one of the topical issues. Prospects of the research are related to aspects of defining of successful implementation model of secondary school students environmental education while researching on ecology in secondary schools of Ukraine.
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