Measurements of indicators of the wave structure of the heart rhythm were carried out in 118 healthy young men and women while lying down at rest, during orthoprobe and psychoemotional stress. In 32 women, registration was carried out three times – in the follicular, ovulatory and luteal phases of the ovarian-menstrual cycle. Gender differences in some indicators of central hemodynamics under different conditions were determined. It was established that in men, under various conditions, the level of blood pressure and blood pressure significantly exceeds the corresponding values in women. At the same time, the value of ATser at rest while lying down was 76.6±0.7 mm Hg (compared to men – 91.7±0.6 mm Hg), and during psychoemotional stress 76.1±0.6 mm Hg (compared to men 96.3±0.8 mm Hg). Gender differences were also observed in the values of CN under conditions of recumbent rest and under conditions of psycho-emotional stress. Thus, in women at rest the value of CN was 22.74±0.50 u.o., and in men – 24.05±0.52 u.o. Under conditions of psycho-emotional stress, it was 20.5±0.5 u.o. and 22.4±0.4 u.o., respectively. This indicates a lower level of blood filling of the chest cavity organs in them. The conducted studies showed the presence of gender differences in the levels of central hemodynamic indicators, which is manifested in lower levels of blood pressure in women and cardiac output, mainly due to differences in body size under all conditions, a lower level of blood filling of the thoracic cavity. Values of heart rate variability in men and women while lying down were significantly different due to the greater overall power of the R-R interval oscillation spectrum in men. When the body moved to a vertical position and during psychoemotional stress, the decrease in the total spectrum power was greater in women than in men, and the power reactivity and its distribution in the range of low heart rate frequencies differed significantly both in direction and amplitude. The found lower reproducibility of indicators of the wave structure of the heart rhythm during repeated measurements in women compared to men may be due to changes in their body against the background of the ovarian-menstrual cycle. Thus, indicators of the wave structure of the heart rhythm at rest while lying down in women in different phases of the ovarian cycle did not differ; under conditions of orthostasis and psycho-emotional stress, their greatest changes occurred in the luteal phase.
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