Keywords: flora, Adonis vernalis L., rare species, protection, cenopopulations, nature conservation area, Pereyaslav


Studying the state and conditions of natural habitats of populations of rare and endangered species of flora of Ukraine, which are subject to progressive climatic and anthropogenic influences, is an urgent task of modern ecological research. The article presents the results of a study of the chorological, coenotic features and age structure of five coenopopulations of Adonis vernalis L., a rare species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, Appendix II of the CITES Convention, and the IUCN Red List. Generally accepted geobotanical and population methods were used in the research process. Analyzing the features of the distribution of A. vernalis, we found that the habitats of this species are mainly confined to gentle slopes up to 200 m high, where it is an ingredient of the steppe phytocenoses of the Pereyaslav Region, in particular: areas of the complex natural monument of local importance «Dnieper- Yanenkovy Val» ( the village of Tsybli) and the mound «Three Brothers» (the village of Stovpyagi), the tracts «Chicken’s throat» and «Tserkovishche» (the village of Tsybli), the vicinity of the «Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of the Central Dnieper region» (the town of Pereyaslav). A detailed analysis of the number of individuals at the model sites confirms that A. vernalis forms here sparse aggregations with a density of 20 to 1020 individuals. The study of the ontogenetic states of the studied populations of the model species showed that the majority of the coenopopulations of A. vernalis are complete members with a predominance of virgile and generative individuals. The dependence of the age structure and density of the coenopopulation on the projected grass cover formed by the dominant species, in particular: Elytrigia repens, Koeleria glauca, Festuca valesiaca, Poa pratensis, etc., was established. It has been proven that the development of the coenopopulations of A. vernalis in the territory of Pereyaslavshchyna is satisfactory.


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How to Cite
Shapran, Y. P., & Dovhopola, L. I. (2023). DENSITY AND AGE STRUCTURE OF POPULATIONS OF ADONIS VERNALIS L. IN THE STEPPE AREAS OF PERYEASLAVSHYNY. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (2), 61-67.
Biology and biochemistry