Keywords: the botanical monument of nature of local importance


A detailed analysis of the current state of the botanical natural monument of local importance "Oak Grove" was carried out, and ways to optimize green spaces in it were proposed. Field research of the "Oak Grove" territory was conducted during the 2021–2022 seasons, and materials that were collected fragmentarily and processed in previous years were also used. The current state of the botanical natural monument of local importance "Oak Grove" is satisfactory. The main environmental problems of the attraction: lack of developed infrastructure; low aesthetic value; the presence of trees with signs of drying, damage to the trunk, which must be removed; invasion of adventitious plant species. The neglect of the botanical natural monument of local importance "Oak Grove" and the lack of a system for organizing its territory also provokes an increase in anthropogenic influence, which is manifested in an increase in the amount of garbage and solid household waste on its territory. The assessment of the sanitary condition of the green spaces of the park showed that it is assessed as weakened (I = 1.76), the degree of damage is weak, the damage zone is III. The unsatisfactory condition of the Zhyduvka River and its banks in the southern part of the natural monument was revealed. All this leads to the slowing down of water exchange, the development of stagnant phenomena and the strengthening of eutrophication processes in the reservoir. Despite the problems of the botanical monument of nature, it has significant opportunities for development. Despite the above-mentioned problems, the botanical natural monument of local importance "Oak Grove" has significant opportunities for optimizing green spaces and improving landscape architecture, both in the eastern part, which consists mainly of 60-70 summer oaks, and in the western part, where various tree and shrub species are represented.


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Ivantsiv, O. Y., & Ivantsiv, V. V. (2023). THE CURRENT STATE OF THE BOTANICAL NATURAL MONUMENT OF LOCAL IMPORTANCE “OAK GROVE” (UKRAINE). Natural Sciences Education and Research, (2), 68-76.