Keywords: drinking water, water supply, city of Rivne, environmental problems


The article deals with the characteristics of the water problems of Ukraine and in the city of Rivne in particular. It has been clarified that the residents of Rivne are supplied with the drinking water exclusively from the underground aquifer of the Horbakiv water intake. According to chemical and bacteriological indicators, the water is of good quality, mainly of hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium composition with mineralization of 200–600 mg/dm3. A deficiency of fluorine, an increased content of iron and manganese is a natural feature of drinking water. The water undergoes a technological process of preparation (de-ironing and disinfection with sodium hypochlorite of grade A) before its serving to the city residents. The wear and tear of water management facilities is the main problem of the Rivne water supply system, which leads to water losses during its transportation. It has been proven that 5-8% of drinking water samples from the city’s centralized water pipes do not meet the requirements of DSanPiN 2.2.4-171-10 “Drinking water” in terms of total iron, hardness, turbidity and ammonium nitrogen; 0.2–0.8% of drinking water samples do not meet the standards of microbiological indicators. The analysis of the study of an alternative source of drinking water supply and the proposed list of main measures to optimize the water supply system for the population of Rivne are given.


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How to Cite
Melnyk, V. Y. (2023). ECOLOGICAL ASPECT OF DRINKING WATER SUPPLY IN THE CITY OF RIVNE. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (2), 84-90.