Keywords: river, river swimming pool, anthropogenic load, land use, river drain, water quality


The article covers the assessment of the hydro-ecological state of the Zdvizh River basin with the development of measures to improve it. The research used a set of complementary research methods: systematic and comparative analysis, mathematical, statistical, cartographic. The hydro-ecological condition of the Zdvizh River basin was determined by the level of anthropogenic load. The research was carried out according to systematic observations within the river basin, using the system model of the hierarchical structure "Basin of the small river". This model carries out the classification of basins of small rivers by the degree of acting anthropogenic loads on them and allows you to trace the state of the river basin according to various indicators within individual subsystems (radioactive contamination of the territory; use of land; the use of river drainage). When calculating the degree of anthropogenic load on the pool of the river, the river was performed by the quantitative and qualitative indicators of individual subsystems. It has been established that in a set of all criteria, the hydro-ecological state of the river basin is characterized as "bad". To improve the environmental state in the river basin, a number of water protection measures were proposed in substantiating which, first of all, it is taken into account that all measures carried out should be environmentally directed, wearing a comprehensive nature, include organizational and agricultural and technical components, which will allow to organize monitoring of changes Indicators of the ecological state of the territory, to establish their optimal significance and provide optimal, human and environmental conditions for life and economic activity.


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How to Cite
Basiuk, T. O., & Kalko, A. D. (2023). HYDRO-ECOLOGICAL STATE OF THE ZDVIZH RIVER BASIN AND THE WAYS OF ITS OPTIMIZATION. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (2), 91-96. https://doi.org/10.32782/NSER/2023-2-14