Keywords: geoecological analysis, anthropogenic activity, geoecological problems, region, Rivne region


A geoecological analysis of the territory of the Rivne region was carried out. The essence of the concepts “geoecological analysis” and “anthropogenic influence” is highlighted. The geoecological problems of the Rivne region as a regional system are identified. The impact on the atmospheric air of the region is revealed. According to the data of the Main Department of Statistics in the Rivne region, the total amount of pollutant emissions into the atmospheric air from stationary sources amounted to 9.4 thousand tons (2021). The dynamics of emissions into the atmospheric air of the Rivne region was monitored. 92.8% of emissions are carried out by the processing industry enterprises in the Rivne region, which are the main polluters of the environment. The density and volumes of emissions per 1 person (kg) into the atmospheric air by stationary sources of pollution in the Rivne region are statistically reflected. Atmospheric air pollution of the Rivne region as a regional geosystem occurs from enterprises, institutions and along highways as a result of heavy traffic. The general level of atmospheric air pollution in the city of Rivne is assessed as high. It is noted that surface waters pollution of the Rivne region is a significant geoecological problem. The share of the volume of discharges of polluted return waters by enterprises of the Rivne region according to administrative and territorial districts is graphically depicted. The highest percentage of the discharges volume of polluted return waters falls on enterprises of the Rivne district. Land resources are the “territorial basis” for the implementation of economic activities and the transformation of natural ecosystems into anthropogenic ones, accumulating all geoecological consequences. There is a discrepancy between the ecologically permissible ratios of arable land, natural fodder lands and perennial plantations on the Rivne region territory. The influence on the structure of the eco-network, the biological landscape diversity of the territory in the Rivne region is revealed. The article highlights the transboundary geoecological danger that manifests itself in the pollution of the natural environment. This problem is extremely relevant for the territory of the Rivne region, which is geographically bordered by Belarus. Identifying geoecological problems of the region and implementing environmental policy is one of the main tasks of the territorial communities in the Rivne region. Territorial communities are subjects of strategic environmental assessment. In the future, it is important to solve the relevant strategic tasks regarding the nature usage optimization within the territorial communities of the region and the usage of detailed geoecological information.


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How to Cite
Yaromenko, O. V. (2023). GEOECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF THE REGION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE RIVNE REGION). Natural Sciences Education and Research, (2), 102-106.