The article clarifies the concept of the definition of "state policy", which we will understand as the purposeful activity of state authorities to solve social problems, achieve and implement a generally significant goal of the development of society or its individual spheres. The historical aspect of state policy to promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses is considered and the main stages of the evolution of this policy are analyzed: early civilizations, the Middle Ages, the era of the industrial revolution, the twentieth century, modernity. The views of scientists from various economic schools on the role of state policy in regulating the economy, in particular, regarding the support of small and medium-sized businesses, in particular: the teachings of representatives of classical economic theory, Keynesianism, neoclassical economic theory, institutionalism, modern economic theory, etc. The most important directions of state policy for small and medium-sized businesses have been identified: creating a favorable business climate, in particular: simplifying business registration procedures, developing infrastructure, supporting innovations, providing access to financing, supporting exports, developing human capital, cooperating with business, and digital transformation. State policy instruments have been identified depending on their type: fiscal policy, monetary policy, regulatory policy, industrial policy, social policy. The positive and negative impact of state policy on small and medium-sized businesses was identified depending on the sector of the economy: agriculture, industry, services, IT, tourism. It was found that in the agricultural sector, state support is provided through grants and subsidies; in industry, through tax reductions, customs duties, and the establishment of technical regulations; in the services sector, market liberalization and simplification of various procedures prevail; in the IT sector, technoparks are created and grants are provided for startups; in the tourism sector, investments in infrastructure are practiced and marketing policies are implemented.
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