The article establishes the role and importance of financial resources and their management for ensuring the competitiveness of an enterprise in a competitive environment and during military operations. The features of application of certain methods of financial resources management, in particular financial planning, forecasting methods and scenarios, are determined. The specifics of the content of traditional and progressive methods of managing financial resources of an enterprise are considered. The criteria for the effectiveness of the financial resources management system and its goals are identified: growth in production and sales, increase in profits, leadership among competitors, creation of a competitive base of the enterprise, increase in the market value of the enterprise, avoidance of bankruptcy. The author identifies the peculiarities of financial resources management during wartime. In particular, it is established that one of the key threats to the financial security of an enterprise is economic instability in the country, which is manifested through the deterioration of key macroeconomic indicators, such as a decrease in gross domestic product, an increase in unemployment, inflation and devaluation of the national currency. The basic approaches to ensuring and maintaining the financial security of an enterprise in the following conditions are identified: a systematic approach to managing financial resources, the formation of «financial airbags», adaptation of the enterprise management system in accordance with external threats, and the introduction of modern business tools (e-commerce). The results of the survey of managers and employees of «EKO» LLC show that the majority of respondents (83,3%) believe that the lack of financial resources is a significant obstacle to business activity, 53,3% consider the financial and economic condition of «EKO» LLC to be satisfactory, 56,7% are satisfied with the introduction of digital technologies into the business processes of the enterprise. The expediency of introducing digital technologies into the business processes of «ECO» LLC has been proved, which will transform its development model using advanced digital transformation tools.
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