The efficiency of the staff is a critical success factor for any organization, especially in the field of outsourcing, where the quality of services directly depends on the productivity of employees. Therefore, the task of improving employee evaluation systems of outsourcing companies, in particular responsible project offices, is urgent. The purpose of the article is to develop a hybrid multi-criteria model and a corresponding business process for assessing the effectiveness of the staff of project offices of outsourcing companies. The integration of modern approaches: the 360-degree method, fuzzy modeling, genetic algorithms and BPMN is proposed. This makes it possible to comprehensively take into account the assessments of stakeholders, formalize expert judgments, optimize parameters and form a formalized model of the assessment process. The developed multi-criteria model includes indicators of speed, quality, independence, teamwork and communication. With the help of a 360-degree survey, quantitative assessments are collected from managers, colleagues, customers, etc. These data are formalized using the apparatus of fuzzy logic, linguistic variables and production rules. The Mamdani algorithm is used to obtain degrees of belongingness of estimates to fuzzy terms. The genetic algorithm optimizes the parameters of the membership functions. The result is an integral indicator of employee efficiency. For the practical application of the model, a BPMN diagram of the process of staff evaluation of project offices has been developed. It allows you to analyze the company's existing practice and identify ways to optimize it. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the substantiation of a complex approach to the modeling of complex socio-economic processes based on a combination of traditional and intellectual methods. Practical value - in the development of a toolkit to increase the validity of personnel assessment and formalization of the relevant business process in companies. The developed approach can be applied in other subject areas.
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