In the conditions of bifurcation changes, generated by a high level of uncertainty of the business environment, the strategies and directions of the development of enterprises are completely changed. The article develops an approach to defining the development of an enterprise as a process of permanent change in its potential, functional activity and effectiveness of activity, which can refer to both individual elements (elemental development) and their totality (mixed, systemic development). A triangle of enterprise development has been formed. It is established that the enterprise is transformed due to growth, activation or structuring of its constituent elements. Performance is an indicator of development. The interaction of the main elements of the organization's development is considered. A number of works of Ukrainian scientists were analyzed and a typology of enterprise development was developed, which specifies the concept of enterprise development. It is emphasized that economic results are manifested through indicators of functional activity, as well as operational and economic activity in general. It is clarified that the development potential characterizes the capabilities of the business entity to achieve the set goal. The main components of the potential are allocated: management, innovation-investment, socio-economic, marketing and operational potentials, and the resources that form them - labor, information, financial, intangible and material resources. Functional activity includes non-production (business) and operational spheres of activity. Operational activity refers to production activity, and business activity refers to such areas of economic activity as finance, management, marketing, innovation and investment activity, etc. It was established that effectiveness characterizes the degree of achievement of the goal of the enterprise's functioning, and is described by a set of results - economic, social, environmental and image. Achieving social, environmental and image results directly or indirectly affects the establishment of a positive image of the enterprise as a socially responsible manufacturer that adheres to the strategy of sustainable development, and contributes to the formation of loyalty of consumers, business partners, and employees.
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