• Ihor Kharyton
Keywords: choral art of Galicia in second half of twentieth century, stages of formation of choirmaster V. Pekar, creative role of artist, achievements and ups and downs of choral conductor and teacher, school of professionalism V. Pekar


The article is devoted to the analysis of the creative activity of the Galician choir conductor of the second half of the 20’th century, Volodymyr Pekar, from the perspective of today. In the investigation, the key aspects of the artist’s formation are open to interpretation: the formation of a musical outlook (the period of study at the Lviv State Music and Pedagogical School named after F. Kolessa and the Lviv State Conservatory named after M. Lysenko), as well as the stages of creative growth (the period of directing amateur choirs collectives – the choir of the Lviv Pedagogical School and the choir chapel of the Lviv State Polytechnic Institute “Gaudeamus”). Nevertheless, the argumentation devoted to the period of V. Pekar’s creative activity as the artistic director of the professional choir collective, the State Honored Choir Chapel of Ukraine “Trembita” becomes of key importance in the article. The final stage of the creative activity of the great master of national choral art of the second half of the 20’th century, Volodymyr Pekar, falls into the field of view of the author of the publication. Within the historical framework of this aspect of the artist’s creative achievements, not only his achievements as the leader of the choir chapel of the Rivne State Institute of Culture, but also the maestro’s achievements in the field of music pedagogy can be interpreted. In general, the author of the investigation summarizes – the wide-scale character of Volodymyr Pekar, a choir conductor of Galicia in the second half of the 20’th century and a music teacher, is quite eloquent and such that it deserves deep respect and honor by modern Ukrainians.


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How to Cite
Kharyton, I. (2023). CREATIVE PHONEME OF THE UKRAINIAN CHORAL CONDUCTOR, TEACHER VOLODYMYR PEKAR. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (2), 69-73.