Keywords: music perception, activation of perception, peculiarities of music perception by younger pupils, methods of activating music perception at music lessons


The article deals with the essence of the concept of «music perception» as a kind of aesthetic perception, as a kind of artistic and cognitive activity, as a complex multilevel process, caused not only by a musical work, but also by the spiritual world of the person who perceives this work, his/her experience, level of development, psychological characteristics (feelings, perceptions, thinking). The methods of activating the perception of music by junior schoolchildren at music lessons are systematised: tuning children to perceive music – the method of «listening in silence», introductory conversation, the method of emotional contrast, dialoguing monospeak, questions, tasks before listening, discussing the character, tempo, dynamics, register, etc. of the work before listening; methods of problem-based learning; visual methods; methods of analysis – the method of choosing suitable definitions of words-characteristics of music, game techniques «Exposing spies», «Imaginary picture», the method of characterising music with LEGO bricks; collective answers to the questions of analysing a piece of music by the teacher's conducting gesture; methods of interpretation – the method of associations and its creative techniques selection of reproductions, excerpts of poetic or prose texts; «Musical Lego-picture», singing melodies, showing pitch ratios with the hand, movements; application of games and game situations; dance, figurative, musical and rhythmic, improvisational movements, imitation of playing musical instruments; performance of musical and rhythmic accompaniment on musical instruments and sound gestures; visualisation of music. The author highlights her own experience of activating the perception of music by younger students in a playful and team-competitive form: a game imitating the movements of the conductor and orchestra musicians «I am the Conductor»; a game situation of children choosing the pieces they liked, listening to them again «A treasure trove of music «; game task of selecting musical pieces to accompany fairy tales, stories, poems, and then reading them with music «The Sound Engineer»; a game for identifying the author, genre and title of a piece of music «Musical Detective»; a competition between two or three teams that analyses the means of musical expression, performers and raise answer cards in a fast-paced manner.


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How to Cite
Balaban, O., & Huminska, O. (2024). METHODS OF ACTIVATING THE PERCEPTION OF MUSIC BY YOUNGER SCHOOL STUDENTS IN MUSICAL ART LESSONS. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 7-12.