Keywords: artistic and aesthetic needs, students of higher education, choreographic art, future teachers, aesthetic culture


The article examines the role of art, particularly choreographic art, in the formation of artistic and aesthetic needs of students of higher education. It is emphasized that art affects human consciousness, contributing to the formation of a valuable attitude to moral, aesthetic and social phenomena. Through choreography, a person can travel to the past, study the cultures of other peoples, and gain artistic and aesthetic experience. Important attention is paid to the study of choreography for students as an opportunity to expand the worldview and develop cultural understanding. It is noted that spiritual and functional needs occupy a central place in the activity of an individual, as each art form has its own unique structure. The satisfaction of artistic and aesthetic needs is possible in various spheres of life, but art itself is the sphere where these needs find their fullest expression. Attention is focused on the fact that it is especially important for future teachers of choreography to understand and satisfy artistic and aesthetic needs, as this affects their professional activity. Choreography as an art form requires not only technical skills, but also a deep aesthetic understanding. Future teachers of choreography should be able not only to teach dance technique, but also to be able to form a sense of beauty, develop their ability to creativity and self-expression. Satisfying artistic and aesthetic needs through art contributes to the harmonious development of the individual. Choreographic art plays an important role in the formation of aesthetic values and emotional intelligence, helps an individual to better understand the world and himself, contributes to spiritual enrichment and the development of critical thinking. It was found that artistic and aesthetic needs are key to the professional training of future choreography teachers. They influence the quality of teaching and the formation of high artistic and aesthetic standards among students. Choreographic art provides a platform for the formation of these needs, which is an integral part of the harmonious development of the individual.


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How to Cite
Potapchuk, T. (2024). FORMATION OF THE ARTISTIC AND AESTHETIC NEEDS OF HIGHER EDUCATION ACQUIRES BY THE MEANS OF CHOREOGRAPHIC ART. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 75-79.