Keywords: aesthetic competence, art, values, university students, professional disciplines.


The article notes that the modern system of higher education in Ukraine is undergoing significant transformations, which leads to a constant increase in the requirements for the professional level of a specialist. Formation of a creative, highly educated student is a key task enshrined in the Law of Ukraine "On Education", the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", the State Program "Teacher" and the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine until 2021. The aesthetic aspect of student education in higher education institutions is becoming particularly relevant. This need is exacerbated by a number of contradictions between: the need of a modern school for highly professional teachers and the insufficient level of aesthetic competence of teachers of humanities; the need for a thorough study of the process of forming the aesthetic competence of university students and the lack of scientific research in this area; the powerful creative and developmental potential of aesthetic and pedagogical activities and the insufficient consideration of this aspect in the programs of professional disciplines. Despite the existence of solid scientific developments, the problem of forming aesthetic competence remains insufficiently researched in the context of modern educational challenges. This is especially true of its integration into university curricula, which necessitates a comprehensive study and updating of approaches to the professional training of university students. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to improve the professional training of students through the development of their aesthetic competence. Taking into account aesthetic aspects in pedagogical activity will contribute to the education of a creative, culturally conscious generation of specialists who are able to meet the challenges of our time and provide a high level of education.


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How to Cite
Potapchuk, T. (2025). FORMATION OF AESTHETIC COMPETENCE OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS BY MEANS OF SPECIALIZED DISCIPLINES. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (3), 23-26.