Keywords: art education, art education sector, training of art education specialists, general art education, foreign experience, comparative pedagogy.


The current foreign experience of training specialists in the art education sector shows that the community of economically developed countries properly assesses art as an important factor in the preservation of historical, national and cultural values, as a strategic means of social, economic and educational development of society, an effective way of formation of the creative potential of the individual, his/her ability to spiritual and intellectual growth. The effectiveness of the educational system of these countries encourages the study of innovative practices in foreign art education that can be used in the domestic educational process. Taking into account the humanistic approach in accordance with foreign experience involves: creating the most favourable conditions for the professional formation and self-improvement of the individual, the unique development of each student by providing opportunities for the implementation of their own educational trajectory; disclosure of personal spiritual and artistic potential through art education in its interdisciplinary connections and the formation of a value system on a national basis, a culture of tolerant relations. Competence-based training of future specialists in the art education sector assumes the involvement of students in intensive training with their gradual involvement in various types of practical activities. This enhances the value of the creative activity approach, the main tasks of which in the context of the study were identified as: orientation of the educational process towards socially significant results, effective combination of individual independent learning with innovative collective (as well as autonomous) creative activity, productive partnership interaction of students with instructors, school teachers, mentors. The focus of the educational policy of leading foreign countries on regional public interests and integration processes actualises the humanitarian approach, which provides favourable conditions for training specialists in the art education system: adaptability and flexibility, variability of the content of high-quality education, including the availability of a large selection of educational resources at the level of institutions, broad and narrow specialities, training programmes, and integration of ideas from different fields of knowledge. From the point of view of transforming the educational environment into a means of qualitative diagnostics, modelling and forecasting the results of training future specialists for their professional self-realisation, it is important to have foreign experience in interpersonal interaction on the principles of academic integrity, ensuring a comfortable environment in inclusive education, and up-to-date material and technical support of educational activities.


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How to Cite
Tarchynska, Y., Ivchenko, H., & Sitovsky, L. (2025). SOME ASPECTS OF FOREIGN EXPERIENCE IN TRAINING SPECIALISTS IN THE ARTISTIC EDUCATION SECTOR. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (3), 27-33.