Keywords: science education, radiation literacy, science teacher, radiation safety, educational integration, science teaching methods, life safety


The article defines and substantiates the role of the science teacher in the formation of radiation literacy of secondary school students. It is emphasised that the constant increase in the use of radiation technologies in various spheres of life makes knowledge about radiation and its impact on the human body vital. Unfortunately, many students do not have a clear understanding of radiation, its properties and effects, which can lead to dangerous consequences. It is emphasised that science teachers play a key role in the formation of students' radiation literacy. The article analyses and summarises the national and foreign experience of forming radiation literacy of schoolchildren in the conditions of secondary schools. The key trends in modern science education in the development of radiation literacy of schoolchildren are identified. In addition, different interpretations of the concept of “radiation literacy” are outlined. Based on the analysis, it is proved that radiation literacy has cognitive, activity and value components. The functions of the science teacher in the cognitive context and in the formation of a number of activity qualities in students that will help them apply their knowledge and understanding of radiation in practice are outlined. The key educational content and activity components of a science teacher in the context of the formation of students' radiation literacy have been identified, namely study of the basics of radiation physics and chemistry (understanding of the nature of radiation, its types, patterns of interaction with matter and its impact on living organisms, analysis of biological effects of radiation (understanding of the mechanisms of radiation action on biological systems, exposure levels, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects of radiation, study of dosimetry and radiation protection methods (methods of measuring radiation doses, means of individual and collective protection against radiation, familiarisation with the principles of radiation ecology (understanding of the distribution of radioactive substances).


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How to Cite
Tymoshchuk, O. S. (2024). THE ROLE OF SCIENCE TEACHERS IN FORMING RADIATION LITERACY OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (2), 37-41.