Keywords: geography, educational process, natural resources, natural conditions, test, test task, test control, test assessment


The article reveals the methodological features of creating and using test tasks as a tool for assimilating knowledge and checking the educational achievements of students from the thematic section “Nature of Ukraine” of the 8th-grade school geography course. The theoretical and methodological basis of forming geographical competences of students and implementing monitoring of their educational achievements through test control has been analyzed. Examples of test tasks of various types and forms are provided. During the piloting of the developed test tasks in geography lessons in general secondary education institutions of Lutsk and Boratyn territorial community, as well as during seminars and training sessions with teachers of the region at the Volyn Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, the main advantages and disadvantages of test control compared to other methods of checking students’ educational achievements, as well as the necessary conditions for the creation and application of test tasks to increase the efficiency of the educational process in general secondary education institutions, particularly when studying geography, are highlighted. A vision of the prospects for further improvement of the processes of construction and use of test tasks in the 8th grade school geography course is offered, namely, the creation of tests from: 1) reflection of intersubject relationships of geography, physics, biology, astronomy, chemistry, etc.; 2) the presence of illustrative material; 3) the foreseen necessity of editing or supplementing the available illustrative material by the student. The formation of a bank of such tasks will reduce the amount of routine work for teachers in organizing the educational process, facilitate lesson preparation, and promote the activation of students’ cognitive activity.


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Pavlovska, T. S., Hryhorieva, N. V., & Palamar, A. A. (2023). TEST ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS’ KNOWLEDGE FROM THE THEMATIC SECTION OF THE 8TH GRADE GEOGRAPHY SCHOOL COURSE “NATURE OF UKRAINE”. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (1), 11-19. https://doi.org/10.32782/NSER/2023-1-2