The article highlights the peculiarities of conducting practical classes on the methodology of teaching chemistry for future teachers of chemistry and natural sciences. It has been established that the content of practical classes on the methodology of teaching chemistry should be based on consolidating theoretical questions defined by the curriculum of the discipline and the formation of practical skills and abilities in the process of performing professionally oriented tasks. The article represents the structural elements of a practical work on the methodology of teaching chemistry, particularly: the topic of the practical class; the purpose of the study; equipment; classroom and extracurricular work; literature. Stages of conducting practical classes were presented, they include: notification of the subject of the class and justification of its relevance; checking tasks completed in extracurricular work; discussion of theoretical issues of the topic; completion of practical tasks by students of higher education; assessment of completed tasks; summarizing and making recommendations for further work; extracurricular work, which involves performing tasks with the purpose of consolidating the acquired knowledge and skills, as well as preparing for the next classes. Given as an example, the content of practical work from the discipline “Methodology of teaching chemistry”, which is taught at the Rivne State University for the Humanities for students of the first level of higher education of the educational and professional program “Secondary education (Natural Sciences)” and the content of laboratory work from the discipline “Chemistry in high school with teaching methods” (for students of the second level of higher education of the educational and professional program “Secondary Education (Natural Sciences)”).
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