Numerous studies confirm the primary role of systematic physical exercise in the health improvement of mature women. Unanimously, the authors position the need for a scientifically based approach to the construction of classes in compliance with the basic principles and methods of health training to achieve their effectiveness, especially paying attention to the introduction of a differentiated approach to the content of physical education and health activities. The purpose of the research – to determine the peculiarities of the type of posture, self-assessment of health, lifestyle, and motivation of women in the first period of adulthood. Research methods: analysis of literature sources, pedagogical experiment, medical and biological research methods: photography and visual screening of the biogeometric posture profile. The analytical data obtained during the experiment, which reflected certain types of posture disorders, were further processed by an orthopedic surgeon to formulate a conclusion about the type of posture of the experimental women in the first period of adulthood, using methods of mathematical statistics. It was found that the most common type of posture among women in the first period of adulthood is the round back type, which is 44,4% of women, while normal posture and scoliotic posture occur with equal frequency at 27,8%. In the group of women aged 25–29, the majority also has a round back (50%), but the proportion of women with normal posture is higher (33,3%) compared to scoliotic posture (16,7%). We attribute the fact that a round back is the most common type of posture to the modern lifestyle, which includes prolonged sitting and insufficient physical activity. Based on the visualized data of the correlation analysis, it is possible to record the presence of interrelationships between the state of posture (normal, disturbed) with self-assessment of health (r = 0,715; p < 0,01), healthy lifestyle (r = 0,476; p < 0,01), perception of poor posture as a premorbid condition (r = 0,43; p < 0,01), belief that living conditions influence posture (r = 0,446; p < 0,01), and the impact of posture on health (r = −0,374; p < 0,05). Based on the survey data on self-assessment of the health status of women in the first period of adulthood, it can be seen that more than half of them (58,3%) assessed their health as good, the rest (41,7%) considered it satisfactory. According to the total health assessment, which demonstrated a set of signs of deterioration mentioned by women, it became obvious that most of them reported having several health problems, although there were a certain number of women who had no or few such problems.
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