Keywords: Latin language, professional training, future physical therapists, terminology system, professional terminological literacy


The article is devoted to the problem of training future physical therapists by means of the discipline “The Latin Language and Medical Terminology”. The pedagogical potential of the Latin language in the educational and cultural development of Europe and Ukraine is outlined. Attention is focused on its use by Ukrainian statesmen, philosophers, and educators during the 13th–19th centuries. The possibilities of its practical use in the professional activity of future physical therapists are outlined. Three terminology systems of the Latin language are characterised: anatomical, clinical, pharmaceutical, each of which is represented by a number of lexical and grammar exercises. It is noted that the study of terminology ensures the development of disciplinary terminological competence, which in its turn contributes to the formation of terminological literacy of the future physical therapist and also helps to increase its competitiveness in the labour market. The stages of its formation are defined: 1) development of knowledge and skills to form grammatical and word-formation models typical of healthcare terminology; 2) development of clinical thinking skills, ability to make a correct diagnosis; 3) development of the ability to write prescriptions and identify frequency segments in the names of medicines; 4) development of the ability to perceive and use new professional terms in the field of healthcare. It is summarised that the ability of a physical therapist to carry out the practice of physical therapy and occupational therapy in a safe way for the patient/client depends on the ability to formulate professional and highly specialised information in oral and written speech and to be fluent in professional language.


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How to Cite
Pavelkiv, K. M. (2024). LATIN IN THE TRAINING OF FUTURE PHYSICAL THERAPISTS. Natural Sciences Education and Research, (5), 29-35.