Keywords: social policy, social protection, welfare, social quality, public administration, mechanisms


The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the essence, significance and features of modern social policy as a component of the State's domestic policy – to define the principles, priorities and directions of development of the social sphere. It is aimed at ensuring the welfare of citizens by providing them with the opportunity to obtain the necessary benefits. Prioritizing the interests and protection of society by the state authorities creates an attractive image of a modern, pro-European state with democratic values. High-quality social policy has a decisive impact on its international partnership, especially in the fight against Russia through political, financial, humanitarian and social assistance. The article proposes a definition of the concept of "social policy" based on the analysis of the content of the category under study. Attention is focused on the transformation of state administration into public administration through the introduction of modern approaches such as New Public Management (NPM-model), Good Governance (GG-model), "electronic government" (DG: e-governance) and others, which focus not on procedures and processes, but on the results of quality and efficiency, and most importantly, involve the participation of society in the political, economic and social processes of state-building in order to improve their own well-being, opportunities and personal potential. The article schematically presents the main features of social policy (goal, objectives and directions: the policy of distribution and redistribution of the social product, demographic policy, employment and labor protection policy, social security and social insurance policy, policy of harmonization of socio-economic interests and ensuring social dialogue) and its key elements (subject, object, principles and relations of management, functions and mechanisms of implementation of the social sphere) as a component of the public administration system. The priority directions of transformation of the state social policy are presented, taking into account the internal situation and changes in the EU countries in the context of globalization challenges. It is determined that the newest policy of the social protection system should be fair, targeted and cost-effective, i.e., take into account the socio-economic situation of the state.


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