The need for complex research in the field of creative accounting has been grounded. A conceptual model of creative accounting as an element of accounting science has been developed. It includes the following elements: the role in the system of accounting knowledge; level of application; subject; object; subjects of implementation; types, methods; strategic objectives for implementation; definition. The boundaries of the use of the concept of "creative accounting" (within the current accounting legislation; with the complete absence of regulatory regulation) have been defined. It is suggested to consider creative accounting as a direction of the science of accounting, involving the use of creative approaches in the process of accounting and reporting (financial and additional forms) on financial condition and results of the company's activities. On the basis of the development of the justification for the influence of creative accounting on the reliability of accounting information and the allocation of areas for the implementation of creative accounting in relation to accounting legislation, the reasons for the existence of differences in the views of scientists to understand the essence of creative accounting have been defined. On the basis of a study of the existing practice of using creative accounting in the activities of enterprises the necessity of distinguishing two basic types of creative accounting has been grounded. Accounting engineering is a set of management actions aimed at ensuring the compliance of the enterprise's economic activities with its strategic goals and management requirements. The relationship between accounting engineering and the accounting policy of the enterprise on the basis of justification of the methodology for its implementation has been determined. Two main groups of methods for the implementation of creative accounting (substantive and formal) have been allocated.
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