The article researches the market of confectionery products. The purpose of the article is to analyze the confectionery market as a management tool. Various general scientific and special research methods were used in the writing process. In particular, inductive and deductive methods were used to conduct a SWOT analysis of the confectionery market. With the help of economic analysis and comparison, the analysis of the production of the main types of confectionery products was carried out. The abstract-logical method is used for theoretical generalizations and the formation of conclusions. It is well-founded that the crisis events of recent years in Ukraine have brought about significant changes in the development of the confectionery industry and presented new challenges to the management of producers. It was established that the production of the main types of confectionery products for 2013-2020 decreased, in particular, sugar products without cocoa content by 73%; chocolate and products containing 75% cocoa; sweet cookies and waffles at 70%. It has been proven that in recent years there has been a general decrease in sales of confectionery products, a significant change in export orientations. It was established that the confectionery industry has a high potential, which confirms the positive results of business entities even in conditions of a significant economic downturn. A SWOT analysis of the confectionery market was conducted. Its main threats have been identified, in particular, the reduction of electricity due to massive Russian missile attacks, the threat of withdrawal of the production capacities of confectionery enterprises, as well as the reduction of production and sales volumes due to a decrease in the population's solvency. Among the advantages of the confectionery market are the following: high quality products that are not sold in Europe, the price of domestic candies is lower than imported candies, emphasis on domestic production, availability of a wide range of products. Among the weaknesses, attention is focused on the decrease in sales volumes and the loss of positions in the international market due to the loss of sales markets in Russia and Crimea, the significant loss of capacities of confectionery enterprises in the occupied territories and the destruction of confectionery enterprises in the east of Ukraine.
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