Keywords: marketing communication policy, product demand, pet food market, war, social events


Studies indicate that the marketing communications policy for enterprises in all markets plays important role in attracting new consumers and keeping existing. The article examines the manufacturers' marketing communications in the pet food market. Despite the increase in demand for pet food in Ukraine, its capacity is significantly lower than the capacity of the markets for similar products in the developed countries. Therefore, with the help of the product promotion system, manufacturers can stimulate the demand for goods in this market. The results of the pet food market research show that there is a significant choice of primary and various supplementary food intended for pets. At the same time, the largest share falls on imported fodder, although domestic manufacturers of these products are also actively expanding their own capacities in order to gain a suitable niche and supply the market with high-quality and healthy animal fodder. The main factors affecting the development of the pet food market in Ukraine include: the culture of feeding domestic animals, which has been growing recently; rapid urbanization; active humanization of pupils in recent years. There is no fierce competition among domestic manufacturers of pet food. The most powerful manufacturer is Kormotech LLC. The main goal of its marketing communication policy is the active promotion of all product lines on the ready-made pet food market of Ukraine, the formation of demand for its products and the stimulation of their sales. In its activities, the enterprise uses advertising on the Internet, printed, outdoor and television advertising, offers volume discounts of purchased products or a certain amount of products as a gift for end consumers of goods and various types of motivation for sellers, uses separate websites for brands and actively maintains pages in such social networks as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, conducts a large number of social events. The war made adjustments to the formation of the company's marketing communication policy. In particular, the emphasis in the social activities of Kormotech LLC was focused on helping animals and people affected by the war.


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How to Cite
Kosar, N., Kuzo, N., & Kosar, O. (2023). FEATURES OF DOMESTIC PET FOOD MANUFACTURERS MARKETING COMMUNICATION POLICY. Via Economica, (2), 46-53. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8559/2023-2-7