Keywords: marketing policy, discount, discount accounting, trade enterprises, goods


The article is concerned with studying the subsystem of discount accounting in the marketing policy of trade enterprises to maximise the useful effect of the information generated by it for management purposes. The article considers the concept of “discount” in terms of the seller's marketing policy, the buyer's benefit and the economic consequences for the seller. It is determined that discounts can be a means of stimulating sales, a reward for the buyer, a way to adjust the selling price and represent the seller's lost income. The article provides the main reasons for providing discounts from the seller's point of view. The procedure for organising synthetic and analytical accounting of discounts is considered. Analytical accounting of discounts provided is proposed to be organised by their types, which are provided by the marketing policy of enterprise, since an important aspect for analytical accounting is relevance to the management needs, while synthetic accounting requires information on the moment of discount provision and the relationship between the prices of purchase and further sale of goods. It has been determined that accounting and marketing policies are related and complement each other as part of the management functionality of trade enterprises due to common methodological tools and business process management tools inherent in both. The use of discounts in the implementation by trade enterprises of their own marketing policy to retain regular customers and attract new ones, thereby increasing sales and profits, actualises the importance of research related to their accounting. If properly applied, discounts can be an effective tool for regulating receivables and minimising doubtful accounts, as they increase customer purchasing activity. The choice of methodology for reflecting discounted sales transactions in synthetic accounting depends on two main factors: the moment when the discount is granted and the correlation between prices. Incorrect reflection of the amount of discounts granted and received in the accounts of the seller and buyer of goods affects the reliability of their financial results and profit before tax. It has been determined that the relationship between the accounting and marketing policies of enterprise lies in the use of the same classification of discounts.


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