Keywords: grants, Brave1 grants, Innovation Development Fund, defense technologies, startups, program opportunities, program requirements


The article examines the grant opportunities of the BRAVE1 program implemented by the Defense Tech cluster Brave1 created on the basis of the Innovation Development Fund. The author demonstrates that its funding is aimed at supporting defense technologies in times of war, namely, such categories as: modern technical means of intelligence, automated control, communication and information security systems, robotic and remote-controlled systems, rocket and artillery firepower, electronic warfare systems, countering technical and information influence, unmanned aerial vehicles, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, mine action, space technologies, navigation and geographic information systems, technologies and means Emphasis added: both legal entities and individuals whose activities are aimed at developing technologies in the field of defense can apply for grant support from the Brave 1 program. It is emphasized that grants for one development in these priority topics can amount to up to UAH 2 million, and one business entity can apply for grant funding from the BRAVE1 program in the amount of up to UAH 30 million for several developments during one calendar year. The study offers a number of recommendations for applicants planning to apply for grant funding. It is emphasized that provided that the applicants comply with the requirements of the grant program and the proposed recommendations, the development has a high chance of obtaining BRV1 status, successfully passing defense and business expertise, as well as internal program compliance, peer review, approval by the Fund's Supervisory Board, and receiving a grant within 1 to 1.5 months. The study outlines a number of additional benefits that grantees can take advantage of, in addition to grant funding. To summarize: the BRAVE1 grant program is not only important in terms of security, defense and protection, but also stimulates scientific and technological progress and economic growth in Ukraine. Investing in defense technologies helps to ensure independence, protect the population from the aggressor, and create conditions for sustainable development of the state.


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How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M., & Zvir, Y. (2024). BRAVE1 PROGRAM GRANTS FOR DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT. Via Economica, (5), 54-58.