Keywords: green innovations, waste recycling, zero environmental impact, energy efficiency, waste minimization, GREEN management measures


The relevance of the research is driven by the increasing importance of implementing green management principles in manufacturing in the modern world, where environmental sustainability and production resilience have become key objectives for businesses. The outlined variability is driven by a range of trends that shape and continually expand the significance of applying the GREEN concept. This is due to the strengthening ability of enterprises or even entire sectors of the economy to ensure the production of goods or services with minimal negative impact on the environment, thus providing long-term stability. The article aims to identify how GREEN management can be implemented in production systems and processes of economic entities. According to research, it has been confirmed that the fundamental principles of GREEN management (such as waste minimization, maximization of energy efficiency, achieving zero environmental impact, and fostering green innovations) are considered crucial means of ensuring environmentally sustainable and efficient production. Furthermore, the specification of GREEN management principles reveals their complexity and the need for a comprehensive approach to their implementation. It has been proven that a comprehensive approach encompasses not only the implementation of specific green practices and technologies but also their integration into the culture and management systems of the enterprise. Additionally, emphasis is placed on the importance of the sustainability of such practices over time and the need for continuous auditing and support from the leadership and all levels of the organization. The research highlights the significance of the widespread implementation of environmentally friendly methods in manufacturing processes. This means that all aspects of production and supply should adopt green practices and technologies to reduce waste, optimize resources, and mitigate environmental impact. The practical significance of the research lies in confirming the importance and relevance of GREEN management principles for modern producers and in laying the groundwork for the development of a systematic approach to their implementation and support.


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