The article highlights the significance of intellectual property (IP) in the modern economy, which is characterized by the dominance of intellectual labor and the need to protect its results. The rapid development of digital technologies has led to a significant increase in investment in research and development, while the cost of commercializing ideas has also risen. In this context, the need to protect innovative technologies and knowledge from illegal use has become more acute. Different forms of IP rights require different approaches to their protection. The main reason for patenting is to obtain profit due to the exclusivity of the process or product. Obtaining a license allows the licensee to operate in new markets, overcome the problem of implementing the technology in different markets, especially in foreign countries, by reducing costs and risks. Most countries have introduced national regimes to ensure the protection of IP rights within their jurisdiction. At the international level, the protection of IP rights is regulated by the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Each industry should develop its own IP policy. The IT sector with its Frontier technologies, which have emerged at the intersection of radical scientific breakthroughs and the implementation of innovations in the real sector of the economy, holds a special place among modern industries. These include digital technologies - the metaverse, the Internet of Things, blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data and quantum computing; physical technologies - autonomous driving, 3D printing and hardware innovations; biological technologies - bioprinting, organoids, genetic engineering, human augmentation and brain-computer interface. Strengthening IP protection requires a set of government actions that must be consistent with both national antitrust legislation and international treaties and practices. Effective protection of IP rights contributes to the economic development of the country due to better protection of investments, strengthening protection of inventions from unauthorized use; creation of competitive advantages based on innovation, increasing the reliability of protection of the company's reputation.
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