Keywords: logistics, business processes, enterprises, reverse logistics, management


Many companies are striving to gain a foothold in the global marketplace in the face of fierce competition and to take advantage of opportunities that arise from improved production efficiency and sourcing. The importance of logistics management in maintaining an uninterrupted flow of resources, goods and services is now an important factor in a company's performance. The globalisation process makes it possible to sell goods of the same purpose from different manufacturers and at different prices. The increase in supply on the market has led to intense competition, and some companies are facing the challenge of survival. The development of information technologies has led to an increase in the flow of information around the world, which has led to an increase in the level of education of producers and consumers. The purpose of the study is to investigate the existing logistics management methods in the context of improving the efficiency of business processes of enterprises. Logistics is not only about cost savings, but also a customer-centric service strategy. Supply chain is a broader management concept that includes logistics management, often used to meet customer requirements by making the right decisions, managing, planning and executing the efficient transportation and storage, from source to destination, of relevant information, products and services. Logistics management enables businesses to reduce costs and improve customer service. Effectively managing an extensive and diverse supply chain structure is a complex process, both from an organisational and decision-making perspective. Overcoming the differences due to the fact that individual entities use different rules of operation in their logistics processes and integrating them into one efficient system are the most difficult tasks that companies have to face. The dynamic development of modern economic systems, including enterprises, is a common phenomenon in the modern business world. Any organisation wishing to survive in a rapidly changing market environment is forced to create a complex, flexible business system that takes into account the organisational, information and technological aspects of its activities. A business process in the economic activity of any company is an interconnected action that implements one or more business goals of the company, consisting of many internal steps or movements, starting with one or more input resources and ending with the creation of products or services required by customers and satisfying them in terms of cost, quality and time.


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How to Cite
Tsymbalistova, O., Kharchenko, M., & СhernikhovaO. (2024). THE IMPACT OF LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT METHODS ON IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF BUSINESS PROCESSES. Via Economica, (5), 101-105.