The article analyzes the idea of the business structure of Ukraine, where the main attention is paid to the restoration and development of large, medium and small entrepreneurship. Actual trends of operating business structures are illustrated, their analysis is carried out by types of economic activity, the dynamics of capital investments by sources of financing is constructed. The priority task for the formation and use of a model for the generation of financing of a complex mechanism, as well as the search for opportunities for their implementation in practical activities in business structures, was studied. The relevance of entrepreneurship as an important factor in the formation of the country's economic system in the conditions of martial law is substantiated. The specifics of the complex and dynamic structure in relation to structural changes of business structures within the country are singled out. The characteristics of this process are described; recommendations for the main stages of the formation of business structures in "new" conditions and trends in its functioning are proposed, where the role of personnel in the conditions of the European regime is improved, taking into account the legislation. Based on the analysis of statistical data, it was determined that the current economic situation in the country is extremely difficult. A significant number of entrepreneurs suspended their activities at the beginning of the war, and most of them have not yet fully resumed work after one and a half years since the introduction of martial law in the country. It has been clarified what problems and obstacles domestic business entities face since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, namely: the unpredictability of the development of the situation in Ukraine and the domestic market; lack of a sufficient number of paying customers in the domestic market; unforeseen actions of the state that can worsen the state of business; lack of sufficient capital; lack of qualified personnel The implementation of the measures proposed in the article to stimulate the business activity of entrepreneurs, in particular, comprehensive programs of financial support, providing tax incentives, rapid restoration of infrastructure, development of special programs for small and medium-sized enterprises, attracting investments in new industries – all this is a necessary condition for the future of successful and system economic development of Ukraine.
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