Keywords: human capital, analysis, performance, strategic management, creative industries


The article examines the efficiency of human capital use in the domestic sector of creative industries and develops recommendations for its strategic management in today’s dynamic environment. The theoretical foundations of the study of the creative economy are summarised, the key features and trends of its development are identified. Human capital is positioned as the main resource for the development of the creative economy and its main characteristics are allocated: intellectual and creative competences, creativity and entrepreneurship, ability to self-realisation and development. The article identifies the structural features of the creative economy and their regulatory framework in Ukraine. It has been found that creative industries as a component of the creative economy combine commercially and technologically oriented industries and cultural sectors. An assessment of the efficiency of human capital use in the creative economy industries is carried out by comparing statistical data on the share and dynamics of absolute indicators of sales volumes, the number of business entities, employees and labour productivity. It is found that knowledge and technology-oriented industries, such as IT, advertising and marketing, are more infrastructure-intensive and demonstrate the highest labour productivity, which indicates a high level of efficiency in the use of human capital. Traditional cultural industries have significantly lower performance indicators, which is due to both the specifics of the industries and their products and the insufficient level of culture of consumption and effective demand. It has been found that creative industries are determined by market laws and are geographically inclined towards more developed regions. The COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale invasion of russia have become challenges for the creative economy, but innovative technologyoriented industries, in particular IT, have demonstrated relative resilience and adaptability in terms of both performance and human capital preservation. To increase the productivity of human capital, the main directions of strategic management in the creative economy at different hierarchical levels are proposed.


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How to Cite
Pliashko, O., Paniuk, T., & Khomych, S. (2024). HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE CREATIVE ECONOMY: FROM ESSENCE TO MANAGEMENT. Via Economica, (7), 50-58.