The article examines various aspects of international economic integration as a special form of relations between different countries, in response to the complex and varied problems faced by the states of the world in the conditions of deepening international economic interaction and which require adequate solutions of economic collaboration. The basic notions of the process of international economic integration are studied: the premises and essence of economic integration, conditioned by the development and deepening of the international division of labor (IDL). IDL expresses the relations that are established between national economies regarding the distribution of economic activities among themselves, deepening specialization and cooperation in different fields (production, energy, transport, investment, technical-scientific, trade, tourism, financial-crediting, migration, service provision, etc.), showing the position and place of each country and each group of countries in the world economy. It is shown that the formation of the world economy was the result of a long historical process of development of exchanges of activities, from the microeconomic to the macroeconomic level and then to the international, regional and universal scale, based on the deepening of the international division of labor. The article presents a general description of the main integration groupings of countries (NAFTA, CELAC, MERCOSUR, APEC, G7, G20, BRICS, SCO, CIS, UVEA, etc.); The role of the European Union (EU) as a beneficial form of economic integration, the advantages of integration are highlighted, the problems faced by countries in different integrationist groupings. Based on the study of the world experience and in-depth analysis of the level of cooperation of the Republic of Moldova with the main international and regional economic and financial bodies (IMF, EBRD, WTO, UNDP, FAO, USAID, EIB, etc.), also the country's participation in the development of regional cooperation (Black Sea region, GUAM, South-East European Cooperation, etc.), cross-border cooperation with Romania and Ukraine, The author achieved his goal of stability, formulating reasoned proposals and recommendations on increasing the competitiveness of the Republic of Moldova at international level, deepening the process of integration into international economic structures in the context of the perspective of the country's accession to the European Union.
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