Keywords: digital transformation, enterprise management system, digital technologies, competitive advantages of enterprises, enterprise development strategy, digital evolution of business, digitization of enterprises, business informatization, automation of business processes, innovations


The article presents the results of a theoretical study on the directions of changes in the enterprise management system during the implementation of digital technologies. The author has established that digital transformation encompasses all types of entrepreneurial activities, which, in turn, drive the transformation of decision-making and implementation technologies, as well as the formation of a new corporate management culture within the enterprise. These changes necessitate modifications in the structure of the enterprise management system. It has been identified that trends in enterprise development within the Fourth Industrial Revolution require the creation of new conditions for effective enterprise management based on extensive analytical data and cloud technologies. A comprehensive analysis of key directions in enterprise management development was conducted, revealing and describing the characteristics of a digital enterprise. It is substantiated that in the digital economy, information technologies necessitate the construction of new models for the enterprise management system, which enhances the role of the process approach in integrating business processes throughout the entire production chain. The study concludes that digital transformation necessitates modifications in the enterprise management system, which involve not only the implementation of modern technologies in business processes but also fundamental changes in management principles, methods, and processes, corporate culture, and internal and external communications. A set of solutions for implementing changes in the organizational structure of the enterprise management system has been formulated, with priority given to the development of social management and the management of competition between internal initiatives, which reduces employee resistance to changes in the digital transformation of the enterprise.


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