Keywords: project management, project, management, innovations, latest technologies, innovative management


The article examines the current aspects of innovative project management in Ukraine and the world and highlights its importance in the modern business environment. An analysis of key concepts, principles and tools of innovation management is carried out, examples of the implementation of new methodologies in the implementation of innovative projects are provided. The article examines the role and impact of innovative project management on the strategic development of enterprises and organizations. Attention is paid to modern trends in the field of innovative project management, in particular, the use of artificial intelligence technologies, data analytics and global cooperation, problematic issues related to the organization and implementation of innovations and the definition of possible strategies to overcome them are considered. The article provides recommendations on the optimal use of innovative project management to achieve competitive advantage and sustainable development in the conditions of constantly changing technologies and market requirements. Attention is focused on considering the issue of human capital development, because it is precisely through the introduction of innovations in project management that new skills and qualifications of project managers are also provided, so that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to implement the latest technologies and methods. Facilitating the implementation of innovations in the field of project management is considered a key factor for achieving competitive advantages. The authors also emphasize the importance of cooperation and exchange of experience between companies, government organizations and educational institutions, which can facilitate the exchange of best practices and innovative ideas in the field of project management. The article discusses current trends and innovative approaches to the development of project management in Ukraine, because the wide implementation and use of modern innovative technologies in project management are important for the continuous development and effective implementation of projects. Innovative project management methodologies are based on the use of Agile, Scrum, or Waterfall, which fully promotes an innovative approach to project management and greatly facilitates and improves project management processes.


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How to Cite
Bolshaia, O., & Ishchenko, I. (2023). INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN UKRAINE. Via Economica, (3), 21-26.