Keywords: digitalization, digital transformation, management, business, digital technologies


The article examines the role of digital transformation as a tool for managing business development in the conditions of modern challenges and provides characteristics of its process, technological, and social elements. It is substantiated that a feature of digital transformation processes is the use of a significant number of new technologies. The essence of the concept of "digital transformation" was studied, as a result of the analysis of the definitions of scientists regarding the concept, the main characteristics were singled out, where digital transformation is understood as a unique tool of the digital revolution, as a process of transition to a new level of doing business with a change in models of functioning, management and business processes and how the process of changes in the company's strategy. The advantages of digital transformation during business operation in the context of management are highlighted. Among them: a decrease in the cost of business; cost reduction; increasing the efficiency and productivity of management decision-making; improving the customer experience; flexibility and acceleration of business processes; the possibility of using the latest tools and forming information databases. The directions of application of digital business transformations and the sequence of the process of introducing innovations into the company's business processes are substantiated. Progressive digital technologies of digitization are highlighted. Among them are information and communication technologies that combine software and technical means, processes and methods used during the collection, storage, preparation, analysis and distribution of information: Blockchain technology, which allows you to protect the subjects of information exchange and ensure confidentiality and reliability of received information; digitization of the infrastructure for effective personnel management; project management methods based on information technologies. The novelty of the research consists in the addition of theoretical aspects during the study of digital transformation in business management, namely: the advantages of digital transformation during management in the conditions of modern challenges are determined; the challenges generated by the digital transformation process are highlighted and measures to overcome them are proposed.


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How to Cite
Kantsur, I., Melinevskyi, A., & Suprunenko, S. (2023). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODERN CHALLENGES. Via Economica, (3), 42-47.