Keywords: Erasmus , Erasmus grants, grants, EU grants, grant program for educators, education support, mobility grants


The article examines the grant opportunities of one of the largest programs of the European Commission, Erasmus+ (ERASMUS+). Its goals and advantages are outlined, as well as an analysis of the peculiarities of the involvement of its financial instruments by representatives of the educational industry of Ukraine. Demonstrated areas of the program, namely: partnerships for excellence, measures for youth preference, Partnerships for Excellence, creation of alliances for innovation (Alliances for Innovation), Capacity development in the field of higher education . (Potential Development Projects in the Field of Professional (Vocational-Technical) and Professional Higher Education), Development of Potential in the Field of Vocational Education and Training (Potential Development Projects in the Field of Youth), Development of Potential in the Field of Sports (Capacity Building Projects in the Field of Sport), Jean Monet direction, Erasmus Mundus joint masters programs, cooperation partnerships, virtual exchanges (Virtual exchanges in the field of higher education and youth), strategic projects. It was emphasized that the peculiarity of applicants participation in the ERASMUS+ program arises from the fact that in some directions organizations from Ukraine can participate in competitions with the help of partners, and in others they can be involved independently. Emphasis is placed on what the European Commission called Erasmus+ (ERASMUS+) the most successful educational program of the EU and several tools for combating youth unemployment. It was concluded that representatives of formal, informal and informal education have great opportunities for both professional and personal growth, as well as for deepening ties with colleagues from the European space. In the period of implementation from 2021 to 2027, the program of promotion of Ukrainian educators, representatives of the youth sphere and sports in professional growth. Erasmus+ grant instruments not only help to strengthen the educational and related sectors of Ukraine, but also, as a result, will lead to Ukraines accession to the EU.


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How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M., & Vovchak, O. (2023). EUROPEAN COMMISSION "ERASMUS+" PROGRAM GRANTS FOR THE EDUCATION INDUSTRY. Via Economica, (3), 48-54.