Keywords: digital competences, management, personnel, enterprises, digital technologies, skills and abilities


The article is devoted to the role of digital competences in the process of personnel management of enterprises in modern conditions. The main approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of "digital competences" are considered and attention is focused on their features in the processes of training management personnel. It is argued that the active use of digital technologies in society should not lead to mass unemployment, as it is commonly believed, because thanks to digitalization new opportunities for finding work appear. It is justified that the state should play an important role in this by creating new jobs and forming new markets. It is argued that the optimization of the use of digital technologies should be ensured by such actions as the purchase of innovations and digital services, as well as the harmonization of relations on the labor market in the direction of improving the qualifications and retraining of specialists and stimulating the development of new professions in the domestic labor market. Based on the rating of Ukraine according to the Global Talent Competitiveness Index in 2020-2022, the ability of Ukrainian specialists to master digital technologies was analyzed and it was determined that in domestic realities, special attention should be paid to the training of managers using the application of digital competencies. Approaches to managers' mastery of key digital competencies are proposed and determined that they should be innovative thinking that helps a specialist quickly master digital technologies with the highest result; use of social networks as an effective tool of management activity; analysis of data collected and processed on the basis of digital technologies; information support using digitized sources; computer literacy as a base of technical knowledge and skills when working with digital resources. It is concluded that the mastering and application of basic digital competencies in the conditions of active digitalization of all spheres of public life of the Ukrainian state is an indispensable condition for the training of management personnel.


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How to Cite
Litorovych, O., Zhyshko, R., Protsak, K., & Dubovyi, O. (2023). THE ROLE OF DIGITAL COMPETENCES IN THE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT PROCESS OF ENTERPRISES. Via Economica, (3), 69-74.