Keywords: economic security, business entities, risks, security policy, directions


In the minds of today, to ensure the survival and development the Ukrainian subjects of the government, the identification of risks and threats that arise from military operations is becoming increasingly urgent. The expansion of crisis situations in the business environment requires the formation of an effective safety-net policy for enterprises with adequate tools for risk management. Due to the rise problematic issues in the field of economic safety of household enterprises, the main approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of “economic safety of enterprises” are explained. It has been established that this economic category can be interpreted from the following positions: as an effective source resources (resources, potential, activity); as a state security (potential, activity, interests); like the appearance singing officials who flow into activity; the obviousness competitive advantages; how to serve the interests of the enterprise with the interests the outside world; how possible it is to achieve goals; as activity (process, activity); as a development (balanced and perfect). A new principle has been developed to ensure the completeness of an integrated approach, such as under the economic security of government entities, to consider the effectiveness the formation of the protection of economic interests in the adoption of its convenience with obvious potential and stated goals, which allows it to resist various negative officials. The key risks of subjects of government in the minds the war have been identified, as well as increased macroeconomic instability, lack of funding, decreased income and loss of clients, collapse and loss of assets, increased imbalance There are shortages in regional markets, energy shortages, breakdown of logistics links, unreliability of counterparties, reduced efficiency maintenance, shortage staff clerks and decreased loyalty to staff. The main principles of ensuring an effective security policy for government entities have been established and attention has been paid to the need to mobilize the management potential of enterprises to find effective tools and prevention and neutralization of current risks.


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How to Cite
Tokmakova, I., & Devezenko, S. (2023). ECONOMIC SECURITY OF BUSINESS SUBJECTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR. Via Economica, (3), 88-93.