Keywords: human capital, multilevel governance, management efficiency, state regulation, digital transformation, economy, Ukraine


Modern scientific research related to the development of human capital and the use of digital technologies requires further development and systematization. Special attention should be focused on the areas of creation and improvement of the conceptual foundations of the development of human capital management strategies, taking into account the influence of modern trends of the digital economy. The purpose of this study is to review and improve the system of state regulation of human capital in Ukraine in order to increase the efficiency of the country's human potential management. Various research methods were used to achieve this goal, including comparative method, empirical research, data synthesis and analysis. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating digital technologies into human capital management processes, which allows for greater flexibility and adaptability of the system to changing economic conditions. The analysis shows that modern challenges require reforms not only at the level of legislation, but also within the framework of organizational culture and management approaches. The article also examines the impact of globalization and internationalization on human capital management, in particular, on the example of European integration. The author emphasizes the need for a balance between traditional management methods and innovative approaches based on the latest technologies and data. The obtained results make it possible to identify key aspects that determine the effectiveness of the system of state regulation of human capital. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the systematization and analysis of a complex of factors that influence the development of human capital in Ukraine, and the determination of specific directions for improving the system of state regulation. The practical significance of the work is that the recommendations and proposals arising from the research can be used by authorities to improve the legislative and managerial environment regulating human capital in Ukraine. This will contribute to sustainable economic development and increase the country's competitiveness in the face of global challenges.


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