Keywords: consumer goods market, marketing complex, messenger, communication, digitization, social networks, content, SMM


The article examines the processes of digitalization of markets, including local consumer goods markets and the place and role of digital communications in them. The purpose of this publication is the verification of digital forms, methods and features of communication in modern marketing under the conditions of digitization of markets. In the process of writing the article, various general scientific and special research methods were applied. In particular, surveys and in-depth interviews, as a method of collecting primary information, were used to determine the nature of the modification of regional consumer goods markets and the specifics of making specialists in the field of SMM; inductive and deductive methods are used to study the peculiarities of the formation of the marketing complex in local and peripheral markets and when structuring and determining the peculiarities of the formation of the content of communications in marketing. Abstract-logical method was used for theoretical generalizations and formation of conclusions. The article stipulates that the digitization of spheres, industries, processes and phenomena occurs permanently and quite dynamically, at the same time, marketing tools are also digitized, which, in turn, leads to the digitization of markets as such, starting from the mass market to premium segments; it is emphasized that the emergence of social networks and digitization as a phenomenon led to the fact that the markets themselves moved into the digital space: from the mass market to the premium segment; in the labor market, accordingly, the demand for digital professions has grown rapidly and this trend remains stable. The article highlights relevant and mandatory quality training of an SMM specialist; the level of wages, as well as classified the services provided to the media sector by frequency and content. The information collected during the research and processed made it possible to divide the content (filling) of social networks and other digital traffic into organic (a term accepted in professional circles) and paid and to structure the features of the formation of such filling of communications in marketing. It has been established that in such conditions the importance of the components of the marketing complex is reformatted. Using the example of local regional markets of consumer goods, it was investigated and established that with the advent of messengers and digital technologies, such a component of the marketing complex as communication is decisive for successful and profitable business activity. Digitization of marketing activities has actualized the demand for both specialists and in-depth research of social networks in the context of digitized markets for goods and services. Communication in such markets takes place with the help of so-called content, that is, digital content that is described and classified. Regional aspects of the availability of certain options, services and methods of digital communication have been identified. The problems of regional features of the formation of digital communications, as well as the formation of content as such in various messengers and social networks, require further scientific research.


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How to Cite
Yakubovska, N. (2023). DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS IN THE DIGITALIZATION OF MARKETS. Via Economica, (3), 120-125.