The article outlines the most promising sectors of Ukraine's economy that are capable of promoting innovation, modernization, and the creation of high added value with the potential for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and are also characterized by high demand in world markets. The main criteria for selecting promising sectors of the economy are summarized. It is determined that the priority areas for the development of promising sectors of the Ukrainian economy are marketing and innovation. The terminological apparatus of the theory of economics and marketing of industrial enterprises has been deepened, which allowed to define the definition of «export-oriented marketing» as a systemic concept that characterizes one of the forms of international marketing, the scope of which is the world markets for goods and services and provides for: research of foreign markets, assessment of the level of competition in these markets, conditions for entering world markets, motives for consumer behavior, identification of potential market niches, target consumer groups, new geographical segments. It is established that today, domestic market operators do not fully utilize the potential of foreign trade due to limited, and often absent, access to traditional export markets, which, in turn, encourages geographical diversification of Ukrainian exports, search for new promising markets, and readiness for changes in international markets. The article considers the main methods of entering the export market and presents an algorithm of marketing activities of operators for entering foreign markets. A list of new promising markets that can replace traditional export markets, access to which is difficult due to the political situation, is provided. It is found that the mechanisms for promoting exports of domestic operators within the framework of the Export Strategy of Ukraine and relevant sectoral strategies include: adaptation of domestic export positions to the conditions of world markets; reduction of trade barriers for domestic companies to enter foreign markets by harmonizing national legislation with European requirements; diversification of sales markets. It is established that diversification of the domestic export basket will allow market operators to gain significant competitive advantages. The transformation towards an innovative and knowledge-intensive economy will help to increase labor productivity, the competitiveness of domestic products in foreign markets, and thus restore economic growth in general.
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