The article examines the current state of the entrepreneurial environment of the restaurant business. It was established that, in general, the trends of its development are closely related to the level of socio-economic development of the state, the nature of the dynamics of incomes and the structure of population expenditures. The beginning of the global pandemic determined the deterioration of the main indicators of the socio-economic development of Ukraine. Objectively appropriate restrictive measures of the Government and a change in people's usual way of life became the factors that increased the fall in demand for the services of restaurant business enterprises. The general trend of the coronavirus period was the growth of the online component of all types of business activities, including the restaurant business. In 2020, the business situation stabilized, and already in 2021, despite the introduction of significant organizational and economic restrictions in Ukraine, the wages of employees resumed growth, which had a positive effect on the growth of solvent demand, including the demand for services of restaurant business enterprises. After the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, the real salaries of citizens decreased. Close to 7,000 restaurants that were located in the occupied territories or in shelling zones were closed. The main problems faced by all participants of the restaurant business environment today can be conditionally divided into financial and organizational: the increase in the cost of key ingredients, utilities, rent, employee migration, deterioration of the psychological state of the staff, etc. Significant trends in the activities of such enterprises have become simpler approaches to business organization, as well as measures that take into account the specifics of their activities during the war as much as possible (launch of barbecue positions, short-term planning, daily menu adjustments, hybrid work format, psychological support of personnel, continuation of long-term projects, participation in volunteer and social projects, participation of owners in operational processes, etc.). To popularize their activities and increase the target audience, restaurant business enterprises should actively use the Internet.
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