Title: "Via Economica"
Date of foundation: 2022
Registration of an entity in the field of print media: Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 1742 of 23.05.2024
Media ID: R30-04136
About the journal: "Via Economica" is a scientific journal in economic sciences, founded in 2022 by the Rivne State University of the Humanities.
The editorial board of the journal includes leading Ukrainian and foreign experts. The publication covers modern trends of economic development, current issues of economic theory and history of economic thought, regional economic policy, world economy, innovative transformations of public administration in Ukraine; reveals the features of improving the efficiency of economic activity of enterprises, management, marketing, innovation and investment activities; identifies the main directions of improvement of financial and monetary system, stock market of Ukraine; studies the experience of foreign countries.
The journal will be useful for researchers, teachers, postgraduate students, and anyone interested in topical issues of economics. This publication is intended not only for scientists but also for practitioners. We invite everyone to cooperate!
Founders of the journal: Rivne State University of the Humanities.
ISSN: 2786-8559 (print); 2786-8567 (online)
Languages: Ukrainian, English
Periodicity: 6 times a year
Professional registration (category "B"): Decree of MES No. 1309 (Annex 4) dated October 25, 2023
Field of science: Economics
Majors: 051 Economics; 071 Accounting and Taxation; 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market; 073 Management; 075 Marketing; 076 Entrepreneurship and Trade
Scientometric databases: Vernadsky National Library, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus
The purpose of the scientific journal is to disseminate in the specialized environment modern knowledge about scientific developments and promising ideas of scientists necessary to ensure the effective functioning of socio-economic systems and improve the quality of training of specialists in the field of economics and management.
Main tasks:
- promotion of objective and productive development of the national economic and management science;
- expansion of cooperation and strengthening of scientific integration ties between researchers, including young scientists, at the national and international level;
- intensification of the exchange of scientific information in the field of economics and management with other areas of public knowledge.