The article examines and systematizes the types of financial frauds and money laundering schemes, including those that occur during a military conflict, and identifies their features and key characteristics. It is established that the list of types of fraud in a broad sense includes: causing material and financial damage through breach of trust or deception; deception of buyers and customers; fictitious entrepreneurship, criminal bankruptcy (intentional bankruptcy); tax evasion; seizure of property through abuse of office; deception in politics. In the context of martial law, it was found that the most common types of financial fraud are Internet fraud, investment manipulation, tax evasion, credit and insurance fraud. The study confirmed the similarity in approaches to classifying types of financial fraud between American and European researchers, due to the similarity of legislative approaches to the formalization of crimes; the key ones are: Internet fraud, manipulation of financial markets, tax schemes, financial pyramid schemes and international financial fraud. Characterization of the largest financial frauds in history is given. It is found that military conflict creates specific conditions that increase the risks of financial crimes due to reduced control over financial transactions and diversion of resources to other priorities. Recommendations are offered for the development of new strategies and methods for combating financial fraud, including strengthening coordination between government agencies and international institutions and the introduction of modern technologies for monitoring and analyzing financial transactions. Particular attention is paid to the prospects for further research aimed at improving the effectiveness of combating financial crimes in crisis situations.
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